Quarantine Chronicles: Day 3

Quarantine Chronicles: Day 3

Day 3: The Science of Wellbeing

Day 3 of quarantined life flew by! I was up extremely early in the morning so I started making a plan for the day and the rest of quarantine life. I figured day 3 was as great as any other day to get your life together.

I started by opening a Google sheet file to brainstorm what I wanted to accomplish in the next 14 days. I created multiple tabs to do think of online courses, morning routines, daily schedule, blog post ideas and more. This document is meant to be dynamic and available for me to edit throughout the course of my quarantine journey.

Some potential goals I thought of:

  • Read 3 books

  • Write 3 blog posts

  • Take 1 online course

  • Create something every day

  • Walk 4 miles every day

  • Finish my taxes

Next, I opened up my Google calendar and developed my plan for the day. I was hoping to create some structure —to have some sense of normalcy. I ended up keeping to my schedule for the morning as I listened to my favorite podcasts on my morning walk and finished my first class of The Science of Wellbeing.


The course is currently Yale’s #1 most popular course and is being offered for FREE online. What I love about it so far is it seems to address not only the science of happiness but also how to practice/apply happiness in your daily life.

For lunch, I decided to make a veggie soup which consisted of veggie broth, chopped vegetables, field roast sausages, garlic, salt, and pepper. It was an extremely simple recipe and I was worried about how it would taste without my normal spice cabinet supply—but it was surprisingly extremely satiating.

The rest of my afternoon was a wash as I fell asleep right after lunch and woke up around 4 PM. For dinner, we had air fried vegetables and baked tofu. After I went on a quick walk around the block and ended off the night catching up with some friends on a Zoom happy hour.

Quarantine Chronicles: Day 4

Quarantine Chronicles: Day 4

Quarantine Chronicles: Day 2

Quarantine Chronicles: Day 2